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David Samson Named Head of Upper School

日耳曼敦中学校长Rich Schellhas 1760宣布聘请David Samson为下一任高中校长. Samson对GA或费城地区并不陌生,因为他是Shipley学校的毕业生,从2004年到2015年在GA的高中工作.

“An inaugural House Head at GA, 戴夫拥有不可否认的天赋,在他11年的任期内,他把奥斯本之家变成了一个亲密的家庭,” said Head of School Rich Schellhas 1760. “During my own tenure as Upper School Head, I appointed Dave our first House Head Director, 负责建立学校咨询项目的职位, managing divisional logistics, and coordinating the House Head team. A talented counselor, English, and Psychology teacher as well, 戴夫离开佐治亚大学后,在两所优秀的独立学校获得了行政管理方面的资历,然后回到了现在的学院. Since departing GA, 作为一名教育工作者,戴夫将自己沉浸在创新项目中,同时建立起他的标志性特征:了解每一个学生,建立积极的教师文化. We are fortunate to have Dave return to GA, to help us evolve in important directions, 并提醒我们关注最重要的事情:我们有幸每天陪伴在身边的人.”

参孙将于2024年7月回国,此前他在两所独立学校担任了9年的领导职务. Since 2019, Samson曾担任曼彻斯特布鲁克伍德学校高中(5 -8年级)的校长, MA. He is a member of the Senior Leadership team, the Board of Trustees, the Forest School Design Team, the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Belonging (DEIJB) Committee, and the Affinity Group Planning Committee. 他还在财政援助工作组工作了三年,并共同领导了新冠学术工作组. 萨姆森教授一门八年级的课程,名为“社区生活”,重点是帮助学生建立他们的社交关系, emotional, and personal skill sets. He is a big proponent of student-led conferences, family engagement, restorative disciplinary practices, and curricular alignment.

Prior to his time at Brookwood, 参孙在盐湖城罗兰大厅高中担任了四年的副校长. 他曾担任校董教育委员会成员, designed and implemented a new academic scheduling system, led the school’s new teacher mentoring program, 并创建了一个新的“第一年经验和成功基础”咨询系统,以支持学生过渡到高中. 他还在安全、公平等多个委员会担任领导职务 & Inclusion, admissions, and professional learning. Samson also led successful hiring searches, updated the school’s strategic plan, and served on the Board’s finance committee.

“我很幸运能得到这个职位,我很高兴能回到十大体育外围平台排名,” Samson said. “在我访问期间,我被高中明显的活力和兴奋所吸引. 课堂参观使我对教师的工作有了第一手的了解, fostering high levels of student engagement. 同样鼓舞人心的是,学生们热情地谈论他们的学校,并公开地与我分享他们对未来的希望和抱负. 我很高兴能加入这个团队,带领高中前进.”

Samson is a graduate of Connecticut College, 他在那里获得了人际关系社会学的学士学位,并参加了大学曲棍球队. 随后,他去莱斯利大学(Lesley University)攻读咨询心理学硕士学位. Samson enjoys speaking at, and sending faculty to, 区域和国家专业发展会议, 包括新英格兰独立学校协会(AISNE), National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), and the RULER Institute at Yale. Samson, with his wife, Kate, their children, Beatrice and Sebastian, and their dog, Winnie, are excited about the move and the next chapter.

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